Scandola nature reserve – English

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Creation : Decree no.75-1128 of December 9th 1975

Area on land : 919 ha

Sea area : 604ha of which 70ha of integral reserve

Administrator : Parc Naturel Regional de Corse

Owners : Conservatoire de l’Espace Littoral et des Rivages Lacustres, communal , private

On the LAND area the following are FORBIDDEN

  • All damage to fauna and flora
  • All trespassing of people and domestic animals
  • Hunting
  • Carrying of firearms or ammunition
  • Camping and bivouac
  • Flying over at an altitude of less than 1000m , including with a drone
  • Dumping rubbish
  • Fires.

On SEA the following are FORBIDDEN

  • All damage to fauna and flora,  it is also recommended to keep quiet within a radius of 250m around osprey nests
  • Fishing
  • Hunting from boats
  • Carrying of firearms or ammunition
  • Autonomous deep-sea diving
  • Dumping into the sea as well as on the public maritime domain, of waste water, residues, or rubbish
  • Mooring of any boat by day or by night, in the whole of the Reserve and in the entrance to the « goulet de Gargalu »

Reminder : speed is limited to 5 knots  300m from the coastline

© Photos Parc naturel régional de Corse  N. ROBERT, F.FINELLI & JB. d’ANGELI

Marine map of protected area

DONIA  is a community application for navigating and anchoring out of fragile ecosystems that can be downloaded for free on Apple and Android stores.

DONIA  works and raises awareness for the preservation of the environment by providing extremely accurate maps of marine ecosystems that allow anchoring outside of seagrass beds, in compliance with the law.

As early as 1970 scientists noted the importance of reconciling  the protection of outstanding environments with  ever-increasing human activities.

It was in 1975 that the Scandola Nature Reserve came into being. It was thus  the first site in France dedicated to the conservation of both land and sea natural heritage.In 1974 the whole of the Gulf of Porto with its striking scenery was recognised and registered as a listed beauty spot, then in 1980 as a world heritage site.The following year at the initiative of the Parc Naturel Régional de Corse , almost 2000 hectares of its shoreline constituted the first nature reserve of the island. An international label  (UNESCO European Biomare diploma) proves that this site remains one of the last wonders of the world.


The state of conservation of this site dating back for more than 30 years is the only one of its kind.

The whole of the Scandola nature reserve is  a reference in the Mediterranean recognised on an international level by the scientific world.It is considered as a major site for marine biodiversity (species which have been long extinct in the Mediterranean  can still be found here, and, what is even more exceptional , new species are continually being discovered).

An exceptional site , going in the opposite direction of the world-wide general trend.

The nature reserve of Scandola is an exceptional site for studying populations of red coral, among others, since its strict protection has allowed it to develop for more than 30 years exempt from the pressure of fishing and to reach sizes rarely observed outside protected sites in shallow depths. Scientists take advantage of this as  missions are organised by the Centre d’Oceanologie de  Marseille (CNRS) on this exceptional site so as to evaluate the state of preservation in other protected and non-protected sites in the Mediterranean.

In the same way, the protection of the site has permitted the restauration of the osprey population, of which there only remained 4 couples in the seventies.

It has permitted the gradual reconstitution of the numbers  which once existed.

The efficiency of the measures taken by the management has encouraged Tuscany and Sardinia to attempt to reintroduce the species using young Corsican individuals.

These exchanges may result in the recolonisation of these Italian regions, so allowing the safeguard of this extraordinary bird of prey in the Mediterranean.These various actions will be all the more efficient when everyone will become aware of the importance of the upkeep of these vulnerable environments.

In order to make the general public  become sensitive to the incomparable wealth of marine and land heritage the Parc Naturel Regional de Corse allows them to stay at the Casa Marina de Galeria and sends members of their staff into schools to talk about this theme.


Looking back over more than 30 years of protection of this remarkable site has had very positive consequences , both from the point of view of marine ressources and that of the safeguard of threatened species.

For these reasons the manager naturally wishes to propogate this positive action to a larger territory.

A project to extend the nature reserve of Scandola is therefore being studied.

Translated by Petru Pasqualini

Download the notebook of  the reserve

Love posidonia: Posidonia is a key ecosystem of the Mediterranean but boat anchors can kill it…


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© 2020 Réalisé par le Parc Naturel Régional de la Corse – Réserve Naturelle Corse de Scandola (V LENORMAND) – Casa Marina (N ROBERT – JB d’ANGELI) – avec la participation de Thomas NICOLAI et de Titouan SEIMANDI

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